A Master of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture graduate since 2002. Saiah is an honors graduate of Bastyr University. He is a former clinical faculty instructor at the Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine. Saiah has spent the last 10 years learning from and training with Master practitioner Kiiko Matsumoto in an Integrative style of Japanese Acupuncture and Western Medical theory. As an outdoor enthusiast and competitive cycling, Saiah dedicates a large portion of his practice to the treatment and prevention of sports injuries. As an Acupuncture practitioner, Saiah is focused on trying to find the underlying cause of disease and support the bodies natural ability to heal itself.
A Master of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncturist graduate since 2002. Virginia graduated from Bastyr University. She has contributed to Acupuncture Today Magazine as a columnist for geriatric medicine. She also taught at SHI Integrative Medical Massage and Traditional Acupuncture School. She has experience in adult medicine and older adult conditions especially as related to pain management and stress management. She also holds a BSN nursing degree from the University of Cincinnati. She works as a nurse at Sunshine Garden's rehabilitation unit for post surgical and medical recovery. She has been an advocate for integrative medicine and supports individuals for health and wellness.
Katherine is a movement educator and practitioner of Medical Massage Therapy who has taught Classical Ballet, Modern Dance, Choreography, Body Mechanics and Body Awareness Movement Exercise for over 28 years in Spokane, WA.